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Her English journey started a long time ago; I have been studying English for eleven years.

I love studying English because it’s useful for life, for example, if you want to travel the world you

can easily talk to everyone and communicate if I need information. At this moment English is the

only language that she is studying, but in middle school she used to study as well.

To improve her pronunciation she listens to a lot of music, she watches movies and YouTube

videos in English, she also takes part in an English course once a week and when she was in her

first year at high school she also attended some speaking classes with a mother tongue assistant.

She individually learned English by watching movies or YouTube videos; at first she used to watch

everything with subtitles, but moving forward she managed to understand without  them.

It happens sometimes that she doesn’t know how to say something in English, when she has to

face such a situation she tries to explain the concept she wants to express with synonyms or looks

up the words that she doesn't know in the online dictionary.

She thinks the most challenging skill while learning a new language is speaking because she

understands almost everything but it’s hard for her to improve her pronunciation and speak


Sometimes it happens that she doesn't understand native speakers; she experienced it in middle

school when she used to have a mother tongue assistant in her English classes. Sometimes it can

be difficult to understand non-native speakers, because of the variety of accents. She suggest that

beginners should  practise a lot, also their listening skills, because learning a language doesn’t only

involve studying grammar, but it especially requires the development of communicative skills, so

beginners should try to find a way to listen to a lot of music or movies in that  language; in her

personal experience she can say that it helps.

Of course, she thinks that the experience abroad is important because you have to communicate

in English (or in whatever language you are studying) and this gradually increases your confidence

because of the practice.

Once she was in Austria she had a conversation with a guy who came to her  assuming  that she

was a local girl and he asked her for  directions, but they were both tourists and she didn’t know

any place there so she kindly suggested buying a map or asking someone else.

Even if at first she was worried about her speaking abilities, she had the chance to talk in English

with a stranger that couldn’t speak my native language and after that she felt much more


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